This goes direct to the Cordee website order page. They are the main stockholder for our books. They have very reasonable postage charges, normally 10% of the order value, and maybe free for ordering 2 or more books.

Prices All of our books are available through different outlets from Climbing bookshops to general bookstores and specialist online websites. Each retailer will fix their own price and this is out of our control - see Cordee for typical prices. We continually update our guidebooks for each reprinting, and newer editions may be more expensive. Note: Our European titles are priced originally in Euros, so depending when a stockist has purchased them and the exchange rate obtained at the time - the final shop price may vary wildly.

TELEPHONE SALES: 01455 611 185

This number is for Cordee, our distributor and is answered during working hours Monday-Friday. This is also recommended if you are going on a trip and need a guidebook to be delivered by a certain time - you can speak to someone who will actually check the stock levels and confirm that a book will be dispatched that day!

For weekend availability in either London, Birmingham or Guildford, please contact

Rock On Climbing Shops

London 020 8981 5066,

Birmingham 0121 359 8709

Guildford 01483 565 635

Some titles are sold out from our distributors and most popular shops; such as the titles Europe Sport Vertical, and Fontainebleau Magique. These will not be reprinted unfortunately. We still may have a couple of copies left, please contact Jingo Wobbly direct and we may be able to help. Also we may have a few copies left, to previous editions of FUN BLOC


With the 2021 changes to shipping in Europe, it looks like the best company for smooth worldwide delivery is to be found at

Our books appear on their website and customers have already recieved books via this purchase method.

Climbing Dynomite
Vol 1. Southern England
Avignon - Soleil
Vol 2. Northern England
France Roc - 1
France Roc - 2
Sandstone South East England
Fontainebleau Top Secret
Fontainebleau - Fun Bloc
Portugal - Onsight & Bloc
Europe Sport Vertical (only from Jingo Wobbly) Fontainebleau - Magique (only from Jingo Wobbly)
Power of Climbing Climber's Handbook